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Материјал за ливење у песку

Welcome kids! Yes than what, and sand casting materials are, and we will going to discuss these Машине за ливење под притиском in this article. Sand molding is our special processing that we use to cast metal objects of different kinds. It is done by pouring hot molten agreement into a mold of sand. This Boqiao method is crucial because the raw materials we use for sand casting can wildly differ in terms of how good or bad will result in a finished metal object. Read on to learn more about creating material!

Understanding the properties of sand casting material

Thus, let us jump directly into what the sand casting materials are. The Boqiao materials have to be very sturdy as they face the great temperatures from molten metal. They pour metal into the mold and it gets everything pretty damn hot, so you need some parts with high heat resistance or they will just break. No, Obviously, but they should keep decent form too My casting flask theory is that when we melt our metal and pour it into the mold, shortly after setting its going to get easier for us to extract are fresh molten object from wave damage. We may select the sand casting material, based on various factors. The Машине за ливење под ниским притиском metal we are casting specifically may be some loss, but also what the intended object is to appear and its general nature for how it will cast.

Why choose Boqiao Sand casting material?

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