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Aluminium is an extremely lustrous metal and silver-white color that we take into account numerous materials which have been vital to ordinary day by day lifestyles, just like pop jars, airship skins or pots. Light and strong, it is the ideal material for such duties. One does wonder where all that aluminium comes from though. A critical process is the melting of aluminium kick-starts this journey with cast mold aluminium Boqiao-аас.

Steps for Perfectly Melting Aluminium

The first thing you have to do is clean the aluminium. The reason behind this is any residue such as dirt or the like on top of it may hinder its efficiency in melting. After that, you have to put the aluminium in a furnace or place it in a crucible like Таталцлын хүчээр цутгах машин from Boqiao. Crucibles are typically made from materials that can withstand extremely high temperatures without breaking. Once you have added the aluminium into it, heat up the furnace or crucible to about 660 degrees Celsius. Cold enough to melt aluminium! At last, you have to just wait until the substance or aluminium is melt wholly into liquid.

Why choose Boqiao Aluminium melting?

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