Gústache usar as túas mans para construír cousas? Se tes, entón Boqiao sand casting set podería ser para ti! A fundición en area é unha forma divertida, fácil de aprender e creativa de facer obxectos vertindo metal fundido en moldes de area. Xa sabes, podes pensar nel como unha especie de construción de castelos de area en vez de con auga, a túa arma é de metal fundido capaz de facer algo bo e real. Non obstante, o feito é que para que a fundición en area funcione necesitas algunhas ferramentas esenciais. Necesitas area, este é o número un e o máis importante. Ben, non exactamente calquera area. Usas a chamada "area de fundición. Esta area é varias veces máis forte que o normal. Un tipo de xogo forte non cae aínda que se derrube no estado húmido. Isto é moi importante porque queres que o teu molde sexa o suficientemente forte como para non colapsará cando se vierte o metal.
Tamén necesitarás unha caixa de moldes, xunto coa area de fundición. Emprégase un apisonador para que a area poida ser moldeada nun molde para o seu obxecto. Podes considerar unha caixa de moldes como o recipiente que che axuda a darlle forma segundo os teus gustos. O único punto constaba de dúas partes que unha estaba ligada a outra semellante aos crebacabezas. Agora é cando se fai intrigante porque podes ver a forma básica do teu obxecto. Ademais da area e unha caixa de moldes, hai poucas ferramentas máis que necesitarías para facer algún traballo de fundición en area. A primeira ferramenta é un fundidor/pote quente. É especial porque pode fundir metal. Un forno de fusión que fundirá diferentes tipos de metais, como aluminio, latón e bronce. O forno utilizado para fundir, quéntase moito, así que asegúrate de usalo con precaución e con seguridade.
O crisol é a outra ferramenta clave. Un crisol: é unha cunca que contén o metal fundido. Despois verte ese metal fundido no crisol. Entón, deixarás caer ese metal quente do crisol no teu molde. Neste momento verás o teu metal fundido e o teu molde tomará forma nun proceso de fundición en area.
Tamén necesitarás un anciño de area e unha paleta. Boqiao fundición en molde de area con embalaxe de area está apoiado para moldear a cavidade e suavizar a superficie, previo vertido de metal fundido. O Rastrillo de Area: espalla e nivela a area A Paleta: compacta. As ferramentas adecuadas definitivamente facilitan o proceso e axudarán a facer mellores moldes.
Orzamento- Ao considerar o Boqiao equipos de fundición as an appropriate choice, your budget play largely in it. If you are a beginner, then initially purchase the general tools and as time goes on and your requirements change/reduce/amplify buy anything special.
Nanjing BoQiao Machinery Co., Ltd is a professional designing, manufacturing, selling manufacturer of various casting machinery, heat treatment equipment and industrial furnaces. Existing products including gravity casting machines, low-pressure casting machines, melting furnaces, annealing furnaces, quenching furnaces, aging furnaces and transverse magnetic furnaces and others have formed 18 types and nearly Sand casting equipment of product specifications. We provide a variety of turnkey services, which includes technical assistance, equipment selection and manufacturing and process design, as well as training and operating. We can help our products bring value for our clients. Products are widely used in: electric power fittings, motorcycle parts, auto parts, new energy, electronic and electrical, high-voltage switch, engineering machinery, aerospace castings, fans, household appliances and other professional castings production enterprises.
The BoQiao gravity casting machine has been designed with a compact structure which makes it a Sand casting equipment for a variety of production environments. Its top-quality performance guarantees an efficient and precise casting while the user-friendly operation simplifies the process of production, allowing operators to achieve optimal outcomes with only minimal training. This versatile machine is extensively utilized across multiple industries, including motorcycle parts, auto parts and electric power fittings as well as engineering equipment. The machine's cost-effectiveness and durability make it an excellent option for companies seeking reliable casting solutions. Customers appreciate the machine's constant high-quality and the ease of its maintenance and operation which minimizes downtime and boosts productivity.
Since 1999 we have manufactured and sold more than 2000 units. Sand casting equipment quality and excellent service make our company enjoy a positive reputation with its customers. The company has shipped its products to Southeast Asia and Africa South America as well as the Middle East. Customers have been very pleased by the quality and services. Customers should be encouraged to create more value.
Our journey into the field of casting began in 1979 with sales of casting materials that laid the groundwork for our experience as well as our market position Over the years we have built lasting relationships with our clients through offering high-quality products and excellent service In 1997 we expanded our services to include manufacturing of electric furnaces for industrial use This move was a strategic one that allowed us to offer more complete solutions for our clients and satisfy their increasing demand for high-quality reliable heating equipment At this point our commitment to quality and innovative thinking made us stand out from the competition In Sand casting equipment we had further expanded into the manufacture of casting machines We were able to provide the full spectrum of solutions for casting including the materials as well as machinery This enabled us to become a one-stop store for our customers with casting needs Our experience and extensive knowledge of the industry has made us a reliable partner for businesses seeking top-notch casting equipment and services We've always been devoted to customer satisfaction and continuous advancement This has driven us to evolve and adapt in a marketplace that is ever-changing