Tas ir īpaši spīdīgs viegls metāls, ko mēs redzam tik daudzos ikdienas priekšmetos, piemēram, sodas kannās, alumīnija folijā, pat lidmašīnu daļās. Tātad, lai gan jūs, iespējams, pavadāt savu dienu pilnīgi neapzināti, bet vai esat kādreiz patiešām domājuši, kā visi šie izstrādājumi ir izgatavoti no šī metāla? Labi, lūk, kur notiek burvība ar šāda veida mašīnu: Boqiao Alumīnija liešanas mašīna. Iekārta ir ievērojama tā paša iemesla dēļ kā kreisā — tā pārveido neapstrādāta alumīnija loksnes formās, kas nodrošina izmantošanu tūkstošiem veidu. To sakot, kas īsti ir alumīnija liešanas mašīna? Tā ir mašīna, kas izmanto alumīnija izkausēšanu un ieliešanu veidnēs, lai iegūtu obligātu formu. Viss, kas saistīts ar šiem ietvertajiem nosaukumiem, tiek nodota, izmantojot procedūru, ko sauc par liešanu. Viņi ļauj rūpnīcām ražot plašu alumīnija izstrādājumu klāstu, sākot no mazām detaļām līdz milzīgām sastāvdaļām. Bez šīm mašīnām mums būtu grūtāk saražot visu nepieciešamo.
1. darbība: alumīniju vispirms izkausē kausēšanas krāsnī. Šīs sarkanās karstās krāsns temperatūra pārsniedz septiņus simtus grādus pēc Celsija. Tas ir daudz karstāks nekā lava. Alumīnijs ir jāuzsilda, lai tas izkustu, kad tas ir cietā stāvoklī, lai to varētu atkārtoti sacietēt. 2. solis: Ielejiet alumīnija stieņu, kad lūžņi turēšanas krāsnī ir sasnieguši izkusuša spīdīga šķidruma daļu. Alumīnija turēšanas krāsns rezervuāri: šī krāsns tālāk pārdeva alumīniju pareizi uzkarsētā stāvoklī līdz izmantošanai.
3. solis: pēc tam veidņu gruntējums tiek sagatavots otrajam posmam. Virs Boqiao tiek izsmidzināts īpašs atbrīvošanas līdzeklis alumīnija liešanas mašīna. Šis līdzeklis ir nepieciešams, lai alumīnija detaļas varētu izslīdēt, kad tās ir izveidotas. Pēdējais ir ļoti svarīgs, jo detaļas var pielipt pie veidnes, ja šī vienkāršā darbība netiktu izpildīta.
4. darbība: šo izkausēto alumīniju iespiež veidnē ar ļoti nospiestu mašīnu, kas pazīstama kā Boqiao. liešanas mašīna. Šis augstais spiediens nodrošina, ka šķidrais alumīnijs pilnībā piepildās atbilstoši pelējuma formai.
5. solis: Kad veidne ir piepildīta ar alumīniju, tā novēro vēsumu. Šī dzesēšana ir ļoti svarīga, jo tā palīdz alumīnija daļām sacietēt to galīgajā formā. Ļaujiet kūkai pēc cepšanas atdzist.
Since 1999 the company has produced and sold more than 2, 000 units. BoQiao has Aluminium casting machine a good reputation with customers because of our reliable quality and excellent customer service. Apart from sales in all cities and provinces across the nation Our products have also been sold to Southeast Asia, Africa South America, Middle East and many other locations, and have been a great success by customers. Based on the business ethos of cooperation and win-win, integrity and honesty, BoQiao will continue to follow the path of professional growth and continually improve its products and services to better meet the demands of customers. Customers must be helped to create more value.
BoQiao's gravity-casting machine features small dimensions, which makes it a great choice for a variety of Aluminium casting machine. The BoQiao gravity cast machine's compact design and high-performance make it an ideal choice for various manufacturing environments. Its reliability and value make it a valuable investment for companies looking for reliable casting solutions. It is praised by clients for its consistency in quality, easy operation and maintenance and increased productivity.
In Aluminium casting machine, we began our journey in the field of cast iron through the selling of casting components. This was the beginning of our knowledge and presence on the market. Through the years we've established long-lasting relationships with our clients by offering high-quality products and excellent service. In 1997, we widened our business to include manufacturing of industrial electric furnaces. This strategic move enabled us to provide more comprehensive solutions to our customers and meet their growing demand for reliable, efficient heating equipment. Our commitment to innovation as well as the highest quality in this period was a distinct feature from the rest of the competition landscape. By 2002, we further expanded our product range by joining the casting equipment manufacturing sector. This expanded our capabilities to provide a comprehensive array of casting options, from machinery to materials making sure that our customers could count on us for all their casting requirements. Our vast experience and comprehensive understanding of the industry have positioned us as a trusted company for companies looking for top-quality casting equipment and services. Through our long history, we have remained dedicated to continual improvement and customer satisfaction, which has driven us to adapt and grow to a changing marketplace.
Nanjing BoQiao Machinery Co., Ltd is a Aluminium casting machine, manufacturing, selling manufacturer of various casting machinery, heat treatment equipment and industrial furnaces. Existing products including gravity casting machines, low-pressure casting machines, melting furnaces, annealing furnaces, quenching furnaces, aging furnaces and transverse magnetic furnaces and others have formed 18 types and nearly 100 kinds of product specifications. We offer our customers all kinds of overall solutions and turnkey projects, including technical consulting, equipment selection mold manufacturing design, process development, operating training, and more. Our products can create an added value for our customers. Products are widely used in: electric power fittings, motorcycle parts, auto parts, new energy, electronic and electrical, high-voltage switch, engineering machinery, aerospace castings, fans, household appliances and other professional castings production enterprises.