


Metal investment casting is an original and fascinating method of producing metallic items. This may sound quite tricky, but actually not. A template or mold of the desired item is made, with materials like wax used, at 1st. This mold is a shape we want the final metal object to take. Once the mold is prepared, its surface is coated with a specific substance. The another stage comprises the heating up of that mold until all wax melts out and only hollow formation is left behind. This hollow form is very critical; because this is where the hot molten metal will come. The molten metal then sets in the  Boqiao BQ-Schmelzofen. Once the metal has cooled and turned solid, capture is broken open to reveal a shiny immensely cool brand new whatever you cast plucked from Earth. 

Metal investment casting is a process that allows the production of intricate metal parts to achieve complex geometries and with excellent surface finishing. It has been used for years, and it is still one of the most popular viral strategies today. Everything starts off with a design for what you want to create. This design can be fabricated with the use of wax, plastic or metal. When the form is finished, ceramic shell slurry applied around it to make a robust mold. The wax vaporizes, and the empty space is now available as a mold. It is significant because this space can then be filled with molten metal later on. Metal is poured in and it has to sit for a while to cool. Once the metal has dried completely, we remove the mold and have our finished product which would be a piece of solidified molten liquid. There is your item. 

The benefits of using metal investment casting in industrial manufacturing

Metal investment casting is the ideal model of metal production. As the wearer looks through a periscope like device, its image is taken and used to inform how layers of liquid harden into intricate shapes with extreme precision. This means the end product will be an exact clone of the design.  Boqiao Kokillengussmaschinen can also be used to create a large number of grams metal objects such as the screws which are attaching different parts in airplanes, auto-mobiles and medical equipment etc. The process is also economical, since it saves cost as it uses basic tools and equipment which are readily available. 

Why choose Boqiao Metal investment casting?

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